New Freedom Transportation

Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department has received funding from Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO) to provide transportation throughout the entire Los Angeles County Region.  The goal is to go beyond the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and enhance transportation services for older adults or individuals with disabilities.


New Freedom Transportation has three specialized programs for clients to select from: Volunteer Driver Mileage Reimbursement Program is offered at no charge to eligible individuals every month. 


During the COVID-19 Pandemic, New Freedom Transportation responded to the needs of our older adult and disability communities by creating the Critical Delivery Services (CDS) Program to provide over 55,300 deliveries of groceries, medication, household items, emergency food boxes, meals, and other vital necessities. In addition, NFT CDS provided urgent rides to medical appointments, voting, testing, and vaccine sites. CDS shined a light on the significant need for delivery services for older adults and individuals with disabilities which was unknown prior to the pandemic.  

New Freedom Transportation Program


The New Freedom Transportation Program is administered by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA), with funds from the U.S Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Transit Authority (FTA) in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidance.


New Freedom Transportation Program funds were awarded to provide transit programs that go beyond the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, to enhance transportation services provided to persons with disabilities.


The New Freedom Transportation Program consists of two services: the New Freedom Volunteer Driver Mileage Reimbursement Program and the New Freedom Taxicab Services Program.


Client eligibility and priorities of service have been implemented to ensure service is provided to those who are most in need.


New Freedom Transportation Services

The New Freedom Transportation Program is designed to address the service gaps and barriers between fixed-route and demand-response service. The New Freedom Transportation Program provides transportation and mobility management services, sensitive to the needs of seniors and adults with disabilities, to enhance quality of life, maintain independence, and improve their overall health and well-being. At no cost to eligible clients, the New Freedom Transportation Program will provide coordination and the provision of door-to-door and as well as information and specialized transportation resources, so qualified individuals may be reintegrated into daily activity in their communities.

The New Freedom Transportation Program services will be provided countywide.  The transportation point of origin and end point must occur within Los Angeles County.  Requests for travel outside of Los Angeles County will not be accepted.

New Freedom Taxicab Services Program

The New Freedom Taxicab Services Program provides taxicab services to eligible clients.  Clients will be able to reserve taxicab services with the assistance of a Mobility Manager.  Those who meet the program eligibility criteria may use taxicab services for their transportation needs, such as medical appointments, grocery shopping, banking, or life enriching activities, within the specified monthly allowance. Clients can take a maximum of four, one-way trips totaling 40 miles each month at no cost to the participant.  All rides must originate and end in Los Angeles County.

Taxicab Services Fact Sheet

Taxicab Services Program Brochure


New Freedom Volunteer Driver Mileage Reimbursement Program

The New Freedom Volunteer Driver Mileage Reimbursement Program provides mileage reimbursements for volunteer drivers that eligible clients recruit for themselves.  Volunteer drivers provide transportation to the eligible client when no other transportation services exist or when the individual is too frail, ill, or unable to use public transportation for other reasons.

How does it work?
Upon establishing that the client is eligible for services, the County Mobility Manager will set guidelines and mileage reimbursement limits for each trip approved for the client.  Eligible clients are responsible for recruiting their personal volunteer to provide the approved transportation services.  The volunteer driver will provide the transportation to client (using their own vehicle) with a flexible schedule that works for both driver and client.  The client will receive mileage reimbursement for the approved trips on a monthly basis and is then responsible for reimbursing the volunteer driver for the trips provided.

Where can I go?
Eligible clients are able to get to life-sustaining and life-enriching destinations that will enhance their quality of life, maintain their independence, and improve their overall health and well-being.  Monthly client mileage limits will be based upon the travel needs of the individual client and determined by the County Mobility Manager at the time that eligibility is established.  All rides must originate and end in Los Angeles County.
Clients are able to go almost anywhere within our service area including:

  • Medical, therapy and personal appointments
  • Grocery stores and other shopping destinations
  • Social and recreational events, worship services and other outings
  • Senior centers, recreation centers and adult day programs
  • Employment, education and volunteer sites
  • Courthouse

Where can I find my volunteer driver?
Volunteer drivers could be a caregiver, neighbor, family member or friend.  The client is encouraged to recruit a trusted person who possesses a valid driver’s license and insurance on their vehicle.

The programs are available to the general public; however, client eligibility and priorities of service have been implemented to ensure service is provided to those who are most in need.

New Freedom Transportation

Learn more with this video about New Freedom Transportation (NFT) and other transportation program resources.

Other Transportation Resources


Additional Los Angeles County Transportation Resources.

Reasonable Accommodation

Additional Transportation Information.

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