* This is yearly information for all counts.
This site represents the County of Los Angeles’ commitment to transparency, accountability, and community engagement – and further serve as a centralized data resource for data-driven projects. You will find a wide range of information to gain insights to the work of the County and its impact on residents.
This dashboard summarizes data on the quality of life of older adults across Los Angeles County. The dashboard also provides data to support community members in applying for their own respective grants and creating innovative programs aimed to improve the lives of older adults in L.A. County.
This monthly report includes data on the number of Adult Protective Services cases opened, active, or closed during the month. It includes the number of alleged abuse reports received, evaluated and investigated by Adult Protective Services. It also includes the number of cases of self-neglect and abuse perpetrated by others.
The California Department of Aging(CDA) Data Portal provides a location that has comprehensive data on various CDA programs to strengthen public reporting practices while improving transparency and accountability.