Purposeful Aging Los Angeles (PALA)


The Purposeful Aging Los Angeles Initiative (PALA) is a groundbreaking initiative consisting of a partnership between Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles, along with other cities, AARP, the private sector, and some universities. This partnership was formed to help the Los Angeles region prepare for a dramatic demographic shift in the older adult population that will occur by 2030. PALA’s goal is to ultimately make the Los Angeles region the most age-friendly community infrastructure in the world.

PALA is creating a more coordinated system of service across Los Angeles County’s 88 cities, 125 unincorporated communities, and nearly 10 million residents who account for approximately 27 percent of California’s population. PALA continues to help Los Angeles County enhance its understanding, planning, and coordination efforts to meet the needs of an aging population.



PALA was formed to help LA County prepare for a forecasted dramatic increase in the aging population. Los Angeles County’s 2 million residents aged 60+ are expected to near 2.5 million (26% of the County’s population) by 2030 and is expected to continue to increase to near 3 million by 2060 (35% of the County’s population.)

From 2016-2018 the initial phase of the PALA initiative focused on community engagement. Details of which can be found at https:/

A community survey yielded more than 14,000 responses and identified local priorities. The results were analyzed by leading researchers and distilled into Los Angeles County’s adopted 8 Domains of Livability: 1) civic participation and employment, 2) communication and information, 3) community support and health services, 4) emergency preparedness and resilience, 5) outdoor spaces and buildings, 6) social participation, 7) respect and social inclusion, and 8) transportation. The Los Angeles County’s 8 Domains of Livability framework is leveraged to organize and prioritize efforts to help the Los Angeles region become more livable for both older residents and people of all ages.

PALA’s initial phase resulted in an Action Plan which outlined recommendations drawn from listening sessions with experts, community members, and advocates. In 2019 eight working groups were formed to implement the Action Plan.

In 2020, the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, changed the world and PALA activities were put on hold.


PALA 2.0

PALA 2.0 is the next phase of PALA and began January 01, 2022. PALA 2.0 continues PALA’s priorities focusing on Los Angeles County’s adopted 8 Domains of Livability and efforts that will make Los Angeles become more livable for both older residents and Angelenos of all ages. PALA 2.0 continues the efforts to better serve the increasingly large, diverse, and aging population of the Los Angeles region. PALA 2.0 continues its focus on sharing best practices, identifying gaps, and advocating for our aging population on issues ranging from connectivity, housing, emergency preparedness, and social isolation.

One of PALA 2.0 efforts include supporting further alignment of services and deepening collaboration of the new stand-alone Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department, thereby expanding the partnership between Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles. Additionally, alignment of service delivery includes reducing the digital divide by helping to increase connectivity (access to communications technology), assisting older adults experiencing homelessness, and addressing food insecurity.

Along with the Los Angeles County’s adopted 8 Domains of Livability, PALA 2.0 incorporates resources derived from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Administration for Community Living. In addition, PALA incorporates a No Wrong Door (NWD) approach which focuses on building community partnerships, providing services using a person-centered approach, and reducing the number of barriers for accessing services.

As a result of the collaborative efforts through community partnerships, PALA’s efforts were recognized in 2023 when PALA was awarded the Changemaker Award at the Los Angeles County 36th Annual Productivity and Quality Awards.


The Purposeful Aging Los Angeles Initiative

Age-Friendly Action Plan For The Los Angeles Region 2018-2021

Let’s Get Healthy California

AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities

AARP 8 Domains of Livability

Administration for Community Living


Additional Resources:

The City of Los Angeles Department of Aging 

AARP Los Angeles, CA

AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities 

World Health Organization Age-friendly World

Aging Care

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology

Article: Mayor Garcetti Executive Directive 17 Age-Friendly City Initiative: Purposeful Aging LA 




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