Title V Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

The Older Americans Act (OAA) Title V Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is designed to provide and promote useful part-time employment training opportunities for older workers. Program participants are placed in a subsidized community service assignment for an on-the-job training experience. The SCSEP provides assistance in transitioning participants to private or other unsubsidized job placements. It also provides supportive services, such as personal and job-related counseling, case management, job referrals, other job-related training, and social services referrals.



Eligible individuals must meet the following requirements:
• Age 55 years or older;
• Family income that does not exceed 125% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL);
• Unemployed at the time of application and throughout the program; and
• A resident of the County of Los Angeles, excluding the City of Los Angeles.



To apply, please call the UAW-Labor Employment and Training Corporation (LETC) at (562) 977-4760.

Enrollment slots are limited. When maximum enrollment is reached, eligible individuals may be placed on a waiting list.

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