ADRC Partners


Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department

The Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department serves Los Angeles County’s growing population of older adults and adults with disabilities through thoughtful action, compassion, and supportive programs. We work every day to ensure that older adults, adults with disabilities, and our communities live with dignity and independence.

City of Los Angeles Department of Aging

The City of Los Angeles Department of Aging advocates for the interests and welfare of older adults by administering programs and services in partnership with community-based agencies to serve the needs of older adults and family caregivers.
211 LA _Final Logo

211 LA (or 211 LA County)

211 LA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving all of LA County with connections to health and human services. 211 LA provides information and referrals to the services that best meet individual needs, through its call line, website and chat. 211 LA also provides special programs including outreach, service navigation, etc.

Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF)

CALIF is an independent living center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to offering advocacy programs and services for individuals with disabilities. It is primarily focused on those residing within 50 zip codes in Los Angeles County.

Independent Living Center of Southern California (ILCSC)

ILCSC is a non-residential agency offering a diverse array of services to an expanding demographic of individuals with disabilities. These services cater to youth, older adults, veterans, and people of all ages dealing with conditions such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), stroke, cancer, autism, visual impairments, arthritis, loss of hearing, etc.

Disabled Resources Center Inc.

Disabled Resources Center Inc. was founded by Jerry Stein, Lee Tardy and Warren Moss. Guided by the vision and commitment of its founders, DRC has transformed its services from initially offering information and referrals to now delivering over 20 programs and services annually. These services cater to thousands of individuals in various cities.

Disability Community Resource Center (DCRC)

DCRC is a Center for Independent Living dedicated to supporting the equality of life for people with all kinds of disabilities. The goal of our peer-led programs and services is the elimination of economic, social, attitudinal and environmental barriers people with disabilities face in their daily lives.

Southern California Resource Services for Independent Living (SCRS-IL)

SCRS-IL is a cross-disability, non-residential disability rights organization dedicated to empowering individuals with any disability. Their commitment lies in fostering an inclusive community that acknowledges the dignity, humanity, and worth of all people, enabling them to lead full and independent lives.

Service Center for Independent Life (SCIL)

SCIL works with persons with disabilities of all ages. Since 1980, SCIL’s sphere of influence encompasses 22 cities in South East Los Angeles County, and the East San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys. Services include but are not limited to: self-advocacy training, assistive technology, housing information, independent living skills training, etc.

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