Ready to apply? Project Lifesaver bracelets are intended for individuals who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Autism, or other cognitive impairments including some mental illnesses. Download the Project Lifesaver Application and Project Lifesaver Pilot Program Contract and Release here to apply. Once completed, you can email the completed application packet and required documents to
You may also send by mail to the following address:
Aging & Disabilities Department
L.A. Found Unit
510 S. Vermont Avenue, 11th Floor
Los Angeles CA 90020
Along with the completed application and the Project Lifesaver Pilot Program Contract and Release, the authorized agent must also submit copies of the following documentation:
– Copy of ID for person who will be wearing the device (the participant)
– Copy of ID for participant’s Authorized Agent
– Copy of documentation proving authorized Agent status (for children: birth certificate or guardianship document; for adults: Power of Attorney, Conservatorship or proof of status as healthcare decision maker).
– Current picture of the participant (face and full body).
Once approved, the L.A. Found Unit with the Aging & Disabilities Department will contact you to schedule distribution of the FREE bracelet, train the caregiver on how to assemble the bracelet and test/replace batteries on the device.
If you have questions regarding the documentation requested, or need help with the application process, please contact us at or by calling the L.A. Found Hotline at (833) 569-7651.
Project Lifesaver bracelets are also available for purchase. The bracelet costs $375.00.